Ceriax ® Plus

The best active ingredients in a unique formulation for maximum yields 

XEMIUM® - its unique characteristics ensure optimal distribution in the plant, excellent mobility and high efficacy against diseases. In combination with the original chemical structure of the XEMIUM® molecule, the fungicide CERIAX® PLUS provides broad and effective control at all stages of pathogen development.

Pyraclostrobin increases plant vitality; It stands out for its long-lasting anti-rust effect as well as pyrenophorosis/yellow spot on wheat (Drechlera Tritici-repentis). It is recognized as the strongest strobilurin in the fight against reticulated spot in barley.

Epoxyconazole inhibits the formation of fungal cell membranes, which makes its further growth and development impossible (therapeutic action).
The AgCelence® effect has a positive physiological effect on the plant.

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Product Details


  • The improved formulation of STICK&STAY®contains special adaptive elements for maximum absorption of the active ingredient by the plant. STICK&STAY® provides:
    + Maximum absorption of active substances by plant tissues;
    + Quick attachment to the sheet surface and flushing resistance;
    + Uniform distribution over the surface regardless of the working solution;
  • Broad spectrum and high efficacy against major cereal diseases
  • AgCelence® effect

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